Better known for the pickles and preserves she served with a dollop of good old-fashioned, homegrown hospitality to salivating gourmands at the ever-popular Jemima’s Restaurant in the heart of Oudtshoorn, Celia le Roux today announced that she’s trading in her baking tray for motorbikes.
Not scooters if you please, but big BMW motorbikes, normally the exclusive preserve of the old boys’ club. But, Celia le Roux is no normal woman. Celia le Roux is a woman with drive and she’s getting on top, of her motorbike that is, by joining specialist BMW motorcycle tour organisers Karoo Biking as its first female tour leader.

Explains the bubbly le Roux about her drastic change in career path, “Family, friends and distant relatives are quite surprised to hear what I’m up to these days. But, I take great delight in reminding them that I grew up on a farm in the Klein Karoo at a time when horses where the most reliable source of transport. In essence, all I’ve done really is trade Piet Perd in for something a little more 2006 and fortunately for me, methods of transport have evolved. I can think of no better way to spend the day than on my BMW F650GS, exploring South Africa with interesting clients who share my passion for these power horses. And, getting paid for it to boot!”
After studying agriculture, le Roux farmed with wine and cattle in various parts of the country. Great grounding she says, for the quest which she shortly thereafter embarked on in search of the perfect meal. This came to fruition when she co-owned Jemima’s restaurant in Oudtshoorn with her sister Annette, raking in culinary awards and a reputation for Par Excellence over six years. “I learnt a lot about client service and the tourism industry which will stand me in good stead for my new role with Karoo Biking,” she enthuses.

“It is a constant endeavour for my adventurous spirit to travel and celebrate unfathomable horizons, so as a voyager I am now doing exactly what the wise man Lin Yutang dictated,” the intrepid traveler says, referring to one of her life mottos.
The wonderfully apt lesson, she tells us, is from a book entitled The Importance of Living, a highly acclaimed piece of writing by the famed eastern philosopher which reads, “A good traveler is one who does not know where he is going to, and a perfect traveler does not know where he came from.”
To find out more about Celia le Roux and the tours she’ll be conducting, point your Internet browser to